...don't be satisfied with stories, how things have gone with others. Unfold your own myth...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another Word

In yoga we often talk about integration.  In fact it can be considered to be the very definition of "yoga".  Integrate.  Integral.  Integration.  Integrate strength and flexibility.  Integrate the mind with the body.  The breath with movement.  Energetic principles with physical expression.  Tonight in a workshop I am attending a derivative to the word was used in a different context "integrity".  Integrity as a virtue, or as defined below "adherence to moral principles; honest"  I know this word, have a working understanding of it.  I have used it in a sentence.  But how does this definition relate to the others, the yogic use that refers to unity and wholeness, harmony?  
World English Dictionary
integrity  (ɪnˈtɛɡrɪtɪ) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]
1. adherence to moral principles; honesty
2. the quality of being unimpaired; soundness
3. unity; wholeness
On the one hand "integrity" is tangible, even physical. The integrity of an architectural structure is dependent on the parts working together for a complete whole, take away a support beam, an integral piece, and the structure may not stand or at least its stability is compromised.  No longer a complete whole for its intent and purpose, it no longer has integrity.  In yoga we aim to, among other things, integrate the mind body and spirit - or more accurately we aim to experience the integration that already is there.  (Aha!  As I write that I think I see a link that I was missing!)  In developing awareness of the true nature of the self - that there is innate integration among the mind body spirit - perhaps we are settling into an honest perception of self.  And in adhering to these principles of the nature of things, the self can function as a whole, stable, harmonized unit.  Treating the mind as separate, autonomous, independent of the whole self is like removing the elevator from the building in order to get to the penthouse floor.  the integrity / honesty of the purpose of the elevator is compromised and the whole has lost an integral piece to the intention of its function.  So without integrating the pieces into the whole in unification, the pieces nor the whole can honestly fulfill their intention of purpose, which may result in breaking rules to accomplish a task, taking short cuts and misuse.  so in order for a thing - anything - to maintain honest expression of itself, it must be a unified whole.   hmmmm....

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